Publisher: Nitramite

Cryptography is a tool for encryption, hashing, encoding and learning for all ages. The
cryptography also has many tools, from resolution
from anagrams to password generation.


• Scytale figure.
• Polybe square.
• Atbash figure.
• Caesar figure.
• Rot number 1 - 25.
• Refined figure.
• Railway closure figure.
• Encryption of keywords.
• Beaufort figure.
• Templar cipher with image sending function.
• Porta figure.
• Vigenere encryption.
• Gronsfeld figure.
• Autokey encryption.
• Bacon number.
• Chaocipher.
• Adfgvx encryption.
• Playfair figure.
• Two square encryption (currently encrypted).
• Tri-Square encryption (currently encrypted).
• Four-square encryption (currently encrypted).
• Single use tampon.
• BIFID encryption.
• Trifid encryption.
• Hill Cipher with modifiable matrix.
• Visual cryptography.
• Enigma encryption with recordable parameters.
• RSA encryption with personalized keys
• Blowfish figure
• Two fish number (New generation Blowfish)
• Number with three fish
• Rijndael encryption (AES)
• SCrypt (key derivation function based on password, in progress)
• Elliptic Curve Diffie-helleman AES, similar to Curve25519
• ChaCha figure (Salsa20)
• Cast5
• Cast6
• Shacal2
• Shamir secret sharing algorithm (SSS).
• RC2
• RC4
• RC5
• RC6
• Triple DES
• Snake
• SkipJack

• Whirlpool 0/1 / W (hash)
• HMAC - SHA1 / SHA256 / SHA512 (advanced hashing)
• Adler32 (hash)
• CRC - 8/16/24/64 (hash)
• ELF-32 (hash)
• FCS-16 (hash)
• HAS-160 (hash)
• MD-2/4/5 (chopping)
• RIPEMD - 128/160/256/320 (hash)
• SHA - 0/1 / 2-224 / 2-256 / 2-384 / 2-512 / 3-224 / 3-256 / 3-384 / 3-512 (hash)
• Shake 128 / Shake 256
• Tiger - T / T2 / 128/160 (hash)
• Sum - 8/16 (hash)
• Xor8 (hash)
• GOST (hash)
• BCrypt (hash)
• PBKDF2 (hash) with the java example | php.
• SipHash hashing algorithm.
• Ball ax.
• Keccak hash.
• Argon2 hashing. (Remote API)
• Blake2b
• SM3 hashing.

• Base32
• Base64
• Base85 | Ascii85
• Base91
• Morse code encoder with audio playback. The sound can be annoying.
• Braille
• Semaphore
• Press Code
• ASL (American Sign Language)
• Pigsty
• Elian script
• Betamaze
• A1Z26
• T9

• Unknown encryption tool.
• WhatsApp message decryption tool.
• Anagram solving tool.
• Password generator tool.
• Checksum tool for text and files.
• Hmac SHA 1/256 + SHA256 custom password authentication summary creation tool. (java | php examples)
• File encryption tool. Read the tutorial from
links included in the explanation view or in the question mark
of the tool.
• Hash Cracker Resources.
• Password strength checker.
• Frequency analysis.
• ASCII table (8 bits / 255) with search function.
• Binary, hexadecimal, decimal and octal table with search function.
• Binary text converter.
• Binary decimal converter.
• Binary hexadecimal converter.
• Integer (number) Binary converter.
• Hex Ascii converter.
• Pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) with explanation.
• AFSK (Audio Frequency-shift keying) generator. Receiver will be available in future versions.
• Steganography, encrypt the decryption tool in the construction.
• ASCII Font Art tool.
• Normal QR code generator.
• Normal QR code reader (camera or image)
• QR code reader encrypted for supported digits.
• NATO phonetic alphabet.
- Includes a link to a very good online SHA1 cracker.

• Blum Blum Shub generator.
• Haversine formula.

Instructions :

- Transfer the application to smartphone / tablet
- Install the APK file with a file explorer
having activated Unknown Sources in the settings